What should I do if my speech discrimination ability is poor and I cannot hear clearly?

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Speaking of being able to hear or not being able to hear clearly is definitely the most common complaint among listeners, and it is also a common topic in our daily science popularization. Generally, the hearing loss of the elderly is a progressive hearing loss, which means that as time goes by, they gradually feel that they can no longer hear what others say, especially in noisy environments.

What should I do if my speech discrimination ability is poor and I cannot hear clearly?

Long-term poor hearing will lead to a decline in speech discrimination. It is recommended to go to a professional hearing institution for a detailed test, and then choose the appropriate hearing aid according to the hearing loss condition, and slowly adapt to wearing it according to the steps. Find the most suitable solution.

Severe hearing loss and poor discrimination. Since we can't get rid of the current situation, we should actively carry out scientific fitting and reasonable rehabilitation training! All organs of the human body are used and regressed. The more they are used, the more flexible they become, and the less they are used, the more they degrade. The brain also has a memory storage process. Therefore, it is recommended that such friends listen more, use more, speak more, and accumulate more memories every day, so as to improve their discrimination.

The longer the hearing loss is left untreated, the less stimulation the brain and auditory nerves receive, and the worse the ability to recognize speech. Once a nerve is affected, it is difficult to reverse the damage. Other side effects of not wearing hearing aids include cognitive decline, increased vulnerability to falls, memory problems, depression, reduced income, productivity and employment opportunities.

Hearing aids are assistive listening tools. No matter how advanced the model is, they cannot replace real ears, so you must establish reasonable expectations for them. What we should do is to choose a hearing aid that suits our hearing condition, obtain the cooperation and support of our family, wear it correctly every day, exercise our remaining hearing, reduce communication barriers, enjoy social activities, and improve the quality of life!

So you must keep wearing it! Hearing aids help us hear! Speech rehabilitation training helps us understand!