Will there be any sequelae after otitis media is cured? Why?

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Otitis media in children is a relatively common infectious disease in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology. Otitis media occurs generally due to aggravation of colds and colds.

Will there be any sequelae after otitis media is cured? Why?

If treatment is timely, there will generally be no sequelae. Otitis media generally causes headaches and may be accompanied by pus draining from the ears. Once it is discovered that a child has otitis media, take the child to the hospital for treatment in time for early detection and early treatment. However, if it is not treated in time, it may have an impact on the child's hearing.

The sequelae are caused by chronic inflammation.
1. If chronic otitis media recurs, it may repeatedly irritate the tympanic membrane and cause tympanic membrane perforation.
2. Repeated stimulation of chronic inflammation can cause damage to the inner ear nerves and cause hearing loss. In addition, perforation of the tympanic membrane can also cause hearing loss symptoms in patients.
3. During an acute attack of chronic otitis media, inflammation may break through the blood-brain barrier and invade the brain along with blood circulation or lymph circulation, thereby increasing the incidence of intracranial infectious diseases such as meningitis and encephalitis. In addition, chronic otitis media will also increase the incidence of nasopharyngeal infectious diseases.

Due to delayed or incomplete treatment, typical sequelae of otitis media include tympanic membrane perforation, neurological tinnitus, and hearing loss. The specific analysis is as follows:
1. Tympanic membrane perforation: Failure to treat otitis media in time may lead to long-term tympanic membrane invagination or even large-scale perforation. This condition requires surgical treatment.
2. Tinnitus: This type of neurological tinnitus may be caused by severe perforation of the tympanic membrane and adhesion of the ossicles, or may be caused by long-term inflammation of otitis media.
3. Hearing loss: It may be damage to the auditory nerve caused by ear bone adhesions. If the damage is severe enough to cause inner ear lesions, it will be difficult for the patient's hearing to recover even after treatment. In this case, you need to go to the hospital for treatment and develop a reasonable treatment plan based on the degree of damage to the auditory nerve.

Pay attention to washing your face, washing your hair, and avoiding water flowing into your ears when bathing to avoid causing infection. You should also pay attention to a light diet and avoid eating irritating, sour and spicy foods.

Many people think that ear pain and ear discharge are otitis media, but in fact, half of the people who experience these symptoms have nothing to do with the middle ear, but are just diseases of the external auditory canal. The most critical symptom of otitis media is hearing loss. Patients with mild hearing loss are often not aware of it and will only notice it when it affects speech communication. In addition to hearing loss, severe otitis media can also cause dizziness (the inner ear is destroyed), facial paralysis (the facial nerve is destroyed), high fever, and headache (the meninges and brain tissue are affected by inflammation). The latter conditions are now very rare and can easily be misdiagnosed once they occur.rule.