Why is deafness more common in the elderly?

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The most critical factor in presbycusis is age, but genetic susceptibility and noise exposure also play a role. Presbycusis causes communication disorders, and sensory deprivation can subsequently cause cognitive changes, personality changes, social isolation and other adverse effects.

Why is deafness more common in the elderly?

The elderly group has low immunity and aging organs, which are the main factors leading to the occurrence of diseases. Therefore, it is recommended that elderly friends should exercise scientifically, develop good living habits, and actively prevent the occurrence of deafness diseases.

Common factors that induce deafness.

1. The body's own factors: First of all, the auditory organ, like other organs of the elderly, shows a state of functional failure with age. It is a process of natural death of tissue cells, and this failure process may be related to the metabolites produced by cell death that hinder the natural activities of growing cells, or it may be related to the accumulation of errors in DNA and protein synthesis.
2. Degenerative disease of ear tissue: due to the aging of the body, the central nervous system declines, leading to hearing loss. It can also cause vascular sclerosis and bone hyperplasia, leading to blood circulation disorders in the inner ear, leading to hearing organ degeneration. Produce deafness.
3. Genetic factors: The occurrence and development of presbycusis is greatly affected by genetic factors in terms of age and speed. Some scholars believe that the aging of body organs in the elderly is related to the epigenetic activity of their genes.

4. Sensitivity to ototoxic drugs and noise: Old age increases the sensitivity to inner ear damage caused by noise and ototoxic antibiotics. As the ototoxic damage progresses, hearing will become worse and worse.

5. Environmental influence: The surrounding environment is a major factor affecting presbycusis. In particular, noise infringement has a very obvious effect. It can stimulate the premature death of nerves, leading to various functional diseases, such as renal system lesions, vascular lesions, ear infections, etc. Some ototoxic drugs and nephrotoxic drugs can accelerate the occurrence of presbycusis.
6. Hyperlipidemia and peroxide: Elderly patients with hyperlipidemia are often accompanied by hearing impairment. It is believed that high blood lipids can affect the blood circulation in the inner ear or increase peroxides in the inner ear, causing hearing impairment.

7. Decreased zinc content: Decreased zinc content in the cochlear blood supply of elderly people over 60 years old is one of the factors leading to the decline of hearing function.

Prevent presbycusis

1. Eat more foods rich in vitamin D
Vitamin D can promote the body’s absorption and utilization of calcium A survey in the United States found that people with presbycusis have symptoms of low blood calcium, and low blood calcium is related to lack of vitamin D. Animal liver, eggs, mushrooms, and white fungus contain more vitamin D.

2. The elderly should be emotionally stable
The blood vessels of the elderly are not elastic.Enough, if you are emotionally excited, it can easily lead to ear vasospasm. Especially in the elderly, the blood viscosity is high, which will aggravate the ischemia and hypoxia of the inner ear, leading to hearing loss. Ginkgo leaves can better improve the microcirculation of the elderly and achieve the purpose of health care and treatment.

3. It is not advisable to stay in places with loud noise
Generally speaking, presbycusis in urban residents is more severe than in rural residents, which is related to the loud noise in the urban environment. Because long-term noise stimulation can make the auditory organs often in a state of excitement, causing fatigue. At the same time, noise stimulation can also cause cerebral blood vessels to be in a state of spasm, leading to insufficient blood supply to the auditory organs and leading to deafness.

In addition, long-term noise stimulation can make people upset, increase blood pressure and cause neurasthenia, which can also affect hearing. Elderly people should avoid noisy environments or places as much as possible to avoid long-term noise stimulation.

Presbycusis should be treated actively. The first is to treat the cause. For the elderly with hearing loss, hearing can be significantly improved. In addition, prevention is also very important. The inner ear ages as the body ages. Therefore, to prevent presbycusis, we should consider anti-aging and actively adopt effective treatment strategies.

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