Are the tinnitus sounds internal?

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Tinnitus is the result of different pathological changes in many diseases involving the auditory system. The cause is complex and the mechanism is unclear. It is mainly characterized by subjective sound sensation in the ear or brain without corresponding external sound source or electrical stimulation.

Is the sound of tinnitus internal?

Whether the sound of tinnitus is intrinsic is a controversial issue. In the traditional sense, tinnitus is considered a subjective sensation, the perception of sound inside the ear, which does not necessarily require an external sound source. However, recent research suggests that tinnitus may be a complex neurological phenomenon related to plastic changes in the brain's auditory centers and neural networks.

The perception of tinnitus is usually subjective, meaning that only the patient can hear the sound. The sound may be high-pitched or low-pitched, continuous or intermittent. However, tinnitus is not an hallucination or imaginary sound, it is a real phenomenon of sound perception.

Tinnitus can be divided into two categories, objective tinnitus (also known as somatosensory tinnitus) and subjective tinnitus (also referred to as tinnitus, generally what we call tinnitus All are subjective tinnitus).

The so-called objective tinnitus refers to tinnitus caused by real sounds transmitted into the ears, such as the sounds of muscle movements, the sounds of teeth colliding, etc., which are submitted to the level of consciousness by the brain for various reasons. When we perceive these sounds, this is the cause of objective tinnitus.

Subjective tinnitus is the sound that is purely perceived by the brain itself when there is no actual sound source. This type of tinnitus accounts for 90% of tinnitus patients. It is currently recognized that tinnitus starts in the periphery and becomes chronic due to the remodeling and poor functional connections of the central nervous system. That is to say, any situation that may generate electrical signals and be transmitted within the auditory pathway may occur without the external environment. The brain's perception of sound in the context of the sound source.

Because the causes of tinnitus are complex and the pathogenesis is still unclear, there is no unified standard for treatment. Current treatment methods are diverse, including etiological treatment, drug treatment, psychological treatment, sound masking and tinnitus retraining treatment, acoustic stimulation treatment, surgical treatment, etc.