Understanding Hearing Aid Feedback for a Tranquil Listening Experience

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In the past, Hearing Aids were bulky and prone to emitting a sharp "whistle," creating a negative experience for users. This sound, known as "feedback" or colloquially as "whistling," wasn't exclusive to hearing aids but also occurred in various audio amplification systems like those in stage performances, lecture halls, KTV venues, and more. Today, with the continual advancement in hearing technology, hearing aids are not only more compact and aesthetically pleasing but have also made significant progress in addressing feedback issues while delivering clearer sound quality.

What is Feedback?

Feedback occurs when the output sound from the hearing aid's speaker is picked up by the microphone, creating a loop that amplifies the sound. Most feedback sounds are sharp and piercing, but they can also manifest as a low, buzzing noise. This type of noise significantly impacts the wearer's auditory experience, making speech unclear and irritating.

Dealing with Whistling: What Can You Do?

Modern hearing aid technology incorporates feedback management systems to eliminate the nuisance of whistling. Chosgo hearing aids utilize advanced feedback cancellation technology, identifying and generating an opposing signal to neutralize the feedback signal, effectively eliminating the whistling. (The phase of a sound wave refers to the physical quantity's state of change over time during the wave's oscillation.)

In addition to feedback cancellation systems, audiologists can adjust the hearing aid's output and gain (amplification) during fitting to prevent and eliminate feedback. These adjustments are highly beneficial in the prevention and elimination of feedback issues.

However, feedback might not always stem from the hearing aid itself. Other possible causes include:

Improper Fit/Wearing: When custom hearing aids or earplugs lack proper sealing, sound may leak out and be re-amplified. In such cases, selecting different acoustic options is necessary.

Misalignment of Ear Canal and Receiver: If the ear canal and the position of the receiver do not match, sound hitting the ear canal wall may result in feedback. In such cases, having the ear mold remade at the factory is a suitable solution.

Excessive Earwax: Earwax can also lead to feedback. Accumulation of earwax in the deep ear canal can block sound transmission to the eardrum, causing it to bounce back and create feedback. Regular earwax cleaning is essential in such situations.

Bid farewell to whistling and enjoy effortless listening. The components inside hearing aids are highly precise, so users must develop good habits of regular cleaning and maintenance. Additionally, maintaining ear hygiene is crucial. If you encounter issues that you cannot resolve, promptly contact your audiologist.

Experience the revolution in hearing technology with Chosgo's range of hearing aids, including the innovative SmartU Rechargeable Hearing Aids. Learn more at Chosgo Hearing and explore our collection of CIC rechargeable hearing aids. Say goodbye to feedback issues and embrace crystal-clear sound quality with Chosgo Hearing Aids.

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